
This object allows you to get version info, enable logging, override the HTTP client, etc

Before using the SDK, you must call initialize.


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interface Logger

Logs events from this SDK. This interface roughly matches the interface of Log.


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fun initialize(appContext: Context, resumeStoppedUploads: Boolean = true)

Initializes the SDK with the given Context. The Context instance isn't saved.

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Creates a new Logger that logs to android logcat

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Creates a new Logger that produces no output. It does nothing and discards all input. This is the default logger.

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Creates a new Logger that logs to System.out. Useful for unit test environments, where Log doesn't work

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Use the specified logger for logging events in this SDK. This SDK produces no logs by default. If you need to debug your integration, you can add a logcatLogger or systemOutLogger or implement your own Logger for logging libs like Timber or Firebase Crashlytics

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fun useOkHttpClient(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient)

Use the specified OkHttpClient instead of the default internal okhttp client


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Logs messages from the SDK. By default, no logging is performed To get logs from this SDK, use useLogger, eg:

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const val VERSION: <Error class: unknown class>

The current version of the SDK. Release builds of this SDK follow semver (